środa, 4 maja 2011

State Of Mine "Accelerate!"

You can expect the same formula from the band's sound this time 'round although Jo puts more emphasis on his snotty vocals with these new set of songs and his message touches on every day issues, all while keeping the humour part. And vocally, he also reminds me of Mark from Guttermouth in terms of delivery and effort. So there's no hiding what the messages are in the songs, in other words. Songs are in the range of 2:00 minutes or less which bring out a type of "party punk" feeling, i.e. "go go go" – a.d.d. people take notice.
State Of Mine "Accelerate!" review

Belgium skate punk band State Of Mine streaming their new album "Accelerate!" on bandcamp.

You can download their 11-track album for 5€ or get the hard copy.

State Of Mine "Accelerate!" on bandcamp

Whole review
State Of Mine "Accelerate!" review 

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