wtorek, 19 lipca 2011

State Of Mine - Accelerate!

01. Bladderburst
02. Smokers
03. Regrets
04. Backstabbers
05. Eye Candy
06. An Ab Poke A Lips Near You
07. Mc Know-It-All
08. Responsibility
09. 666 Club Sojo
10. No Stress
11. Conformism = Death

Released: 29 January 2011

Reviewed by Marcus

Belgium may not be in the best situation these days with an unstable government and tension between the North and South but one aspect of the country never changes: the quality of punk rock. As I said many times before, it seems that bands keep popping out each few months. State of Mine is a prime example as they continue to evolve in their sound, even as a young band. Unlike the majority of Belgian bands they have that raw sound, snotty vocals, and humour in their songs. They are also comprised of members who are implicated in the scene therefore they know what buttons to push.

"Accelerate" is the band's latest effort and is a completely DIY recorded album and the band does want this to be made known. Last time I heard of these guys was in the form of a split CD with The Octopussy's (also from Belgium). You can expect the same formula from the band's sound this time 'round although Jo puts more emphasis on his snotty vocals with these new set of songs and his message touches on every day issues, all while keeping the humour part. And vocally, he also reminds me of Mark from Guttermouth in terms of delivery and effort. So there's no hiding what the messages are in the songs, in other words. Songs are in the range of 2:00 minutes or less which bring out a type of "party punk" feeling, i.e. "go go go" – a.d.d. people take notice.

One of State of Mine's most captivating qualities is the bass lines. They are heard very well throughout the album. Unfortunately this is an aspect lacking in most releases these days. Adriaan (drums/the man behind the knobs) did a good job getting the bass out of the cellar so to speak. And the maestro in this case, Jero, shreds on bass (ala AWS) in songs like "Eye Candy", "Mc Know It All", "666 Club SOJO", just to name a few.

If you enjoy skate punk similar to the 90's Swedish scene, Turn It Red, and Belvedere then there's no way that you shouldn't buy this album. And by checking these guys out you will learn more from the glorious Belgian music scene which is like a party 24/7. There are no losers with this deal.

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