sobota, 30 kwietnia 2011

Gross Misconduct

Location: Johannesburg, SA

Band members:
Mark Misconduct: Vocals
Craig Hart: Guitar
Justin Hart: Bass
Brad Misconduct: Drums

Start listening:
  Gross Misconduct - Unforgiving Sky by Melodic Punk Style

Band web site:
Gross Misconduct facebook profile
Gross Misconduct Myspace profile

 Band info:
Originally formed in 2002 as a three piece band, Gross Misconduct soon became a renowned stage act with their musical versatility firmly holding them apart from others of the same genre. With the introduction of the mighty Hart Bothers in late 2008, Gross Misconduct had taken on a whole new energy and attitude toward their music.

So what separates Gross Misconduct from all the other bands you might ask? For one, they have no gimmicks. They don’t need to wear flashy neon or dress up like white kids at a 50 Cent concert, or sing about getting wasted to blow listeners away. Instead they channel true feeling and emotion through their lyrics and let the music speak for itself. No trendy haircuts or cheesy breakdowns here. The music takes the deepest nuances of melody, explosively mixed with pace, and delivers a dark Progressive Punk Rock sounding machine set to leave you more captivated than the current trend.

Gross Misconduct represents the future of Punk Rock. Their in your face performances and astoundingly well developed skills as songwriters, have help propel them to a level other bands toil toward their entire careers.

With the release of their highly anticipated E.P, UNFORGIVING SKY, coming in January 2011, time may be the distance but for Gross Misconduct it is only the beginning.


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