czwartek, 20 czerwca 2013

Pennywise - All Or Nothing

01.All Or Nothing 
02.Waste Another Day 
 04.Stand Strong 
05.Let Us Hear Your Voice 
06.Seeing Red 
07.Songs Of Sorrow 
 08.X Generation 
 09.We Have It All 
11.All Along 

Release date: May 1, 2012
Label: Epitaph
Buy: here

Reviewed by Roger Allen

Oh, Pennywise. I have a rather fond memory of getting From the Ashes and NOFX's War on Errorism from a music store in Oneonta. Not only did this show that having facial hair at such a young age was beneficial, these were the first two punk albums I ever bought. Errorism made its mark with me strongly with its political-yet-humorous message, while Ashes, lets just say it had a couple of good songs. Sadly, this is what I think of when I think about Pennywise, they had some good songs like "Fuck Authority" and "God Save the USA", but were surrounded with songs that all sound the same. Recently, singer Jim Lindeberg, left the band, which they acquired a guy named Zoli Teglas. I did not understand why they decided to continue without Lindeberg, but was interested into hearing what a new singer would bring. With their last album All or Nothing, Pennywise proved that they can get better even without Lindeberg.

All or Nothing surprised the fuck out of me. Zoli was not a Lindeberg copycat. Instead of the monotone, nearly talking way Lindeberg sang, Zoli's voice seems reminescent of Matty Lewis from Zebrahead. His voice brings emotion to his lyrics. "Let Us Hear Your Voice" would seem typical fare about government oppresing First Admendent rights, but it feels more real and more of a call to arms more than early Rage Against the Machine. "We Have It All' is that "things aren't all bad" song, which seems surprising from a band whose imagery is more bleak and violent. Its refreshing, with Fletcher Dragge's lightning quick strumming.

The album does a have a few flaws though they are rather minor. "We Have It All' the drums are mixed a rather high, making them rather prominent. It makes it hard to listen to the guitar or bass. Speaking of guitar and bass, for better or worse, it does follow typical archetypes. Blistering power chord verse and chorus, bass following the guitar's riff, and chugging palm muted breakdowns. It does make some great punk music, but a little more diversity to go with the new lyric style would have been a welcomed change.

While Lindeberg had his place within punk music, I can only see good things with the addition of Toli. Hopefully, the next albums will have the band taking a few more risks. This is probably my favorite Pennywise album to date, and unlike the others, I will be listening to this more than once.

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