niedziela, 7 czerwca 2009

Blacked Out

Blacked Out is a technical three piece punk band hailing from Banff, Alberta. They have been working around the Canadian Rockies since May of 2004.


Their new Cd called Life Beyond The Line is ready and it's great for me. The album starts off with a little instrumental intro and ends with great cover " Fuck her gently". Blacked Out is not afraid to try out new things in their songs sometimes slowing down and playing heavier . It makes that Life Beyond The Line is very intesting and you can listen this album a lot of times. On the album you have a good mix of faster skate punk and good technical punk with great vocal( booklet allows you to follow the Blacked Out work), drumms skills and amazing guitars
Yeah I can add more advantages but please check yourself.
I only now recommend everyone to buy Life Beyond The Line.

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